Dare to Compute – A Laboratory of the Punched Card Future

15. 4. 2018 – 15. 4. 2018

House of Arts

A workshop to the Computer Graphic Re-visited 2.0 exhibition explaining the principles of programming creative applications from the area of generated graphics, music and dynamic textures. A series of three two-hour-long blocks is aimed both at the beginners and those who are more advanced. The participants will learn the basics of controlling freely available tools which will enable them to achieve their creative goals, and they will get an insight into various generative principles of algorithmic creativity.
Registration of the participants from 1/3/2018 at www.napric.cz/lab and more info at [obfuscate_1_|106|97|97|62|103|95|112|113|103|92|44|99|121].

admission 40/20 CZK + registration fee 100 CZK

House of Arts

Malinovského nám 2

