#Exhibition opening

Exhibition Opening
Sráč Sam: 129 Days Without Accident

The exhibition will be opened with the participation of curator Marika Svobodová, Sráč Sam and participating artists.

10. 9. 2024 18:00 – 21:00

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Traces of Marius Kotrba in Brno

Marius Kotrba became widely known as an author of sculptures in public space with a very distinctive handwriting. However, his work is much broader,…


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#Exhibition opening

Exhibition Opening
Maud Kotasová

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition Maud Kotasová on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 6 pm at the House of Arts.

24. 9. 2024 18:00 – 21:00

House of Arts, Jaroslav Král Gallery

#Exhibition opening

Exhibition Opening
Marius Kotrba

The exhibition will be introduced by curators Jana Vránová and Berthold Ecker, followed by a musical performance by Irena and Vojtěch Havel.

24. 9. 2024 18:00 – 21:00

House of Arts

#Exhibition opening #Vašulka Kitchen Brno

Exhibition Opening
Non-narative Polish Videoart: Four Artists Generations from Gdaňsk and Baltic regions

The exhibition will present a selection of works of video art by four generations of artists from the north of Poland, mainly from the Gdańsk region.

10. 9. 2024 18:00 – 21:00

Vašulka Kitchen Brno


Karin Písaříková: OMNIA MUNDA MUNDIS

Video zachycuje výstavu Karin Písaříkové, konanou 29. března - 28. května v galerii G99.


Milena Dopitová: Příští zastávka je na znamení

Videopohled do výstavy Mileny Dopitové doplněný krátkým rozhovorem.


Omsk Social Club
S. M. I2. L. E - A Trip into Synesthesia

Omsk Social Club is a fluid collective founded in 2016 and based in Berlin. Omsk Social Club uses Live Action Role Play (LARP) and Real Game Play …


Jan Ambrůz

Sculptor Jan Ambrůz presents his sources of inspiration and creative motivation in a new video documentary.


The House of the Lords of Kunštát is open from 27 June to 25 August for a voluntary admission fee. / Every Wednesday open till 8 pm.