Landscape-Architectural Competition for the Forecourt of the House of Arts and the park Koliště I

22. 3. 2023 – 9. 4. 2023

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Landscape-Architectural Competition for the Forecourt of the House of Arts and the park Koliště I

The exhibition is organized by the Brno City Chief Architect's Office in cooperation with the House of Arts.

The existing front area of the House of Arts is not very suitable for the needs of a modern institution. Its appearance is the result of various modifications that have taken place during more than 110 years of the Brno Kunsthalle's existence. The author of the last reconstruction, architect Petr Hrůša, was aware of the necessity of change, but despite his efforts, the reconstruction of the foreground was not realized. However, this situation should change in the near future, as Brno, through the Brno City Chief Architect's Office, has proceeded to announce an architectural and landscape design competition in the last third of 2022. The aim of the competition was to obtain proposals for the layout of the space around the House of Art and the adjacent Koliště I park that would meet the needs of a contemporary art gallery and create an area suitable for leisure activities and relaxation.

The exhibition at the House of the Lords of Kunštát will present the individual designs that were entered into the competition, including the winning project by the M2AU architectural studio. The accompanying programme will include a presentation by the award-winning studio on Thursday 30 March and a lecture by Jana Kořínková on the artistic realisations created in relation to the House of Arts. For more detailed information, follow the website and social networks of the House of Arts.

The exhibition will be held under the auspices of Ms. Markéta Vaňková, Mayor of the City of Brno.

Photo: Michaela Dvořáková

Accompanying Programme

Landscape-architectural competition for the forecourt of the House of Arts and the park Koliště I

Landscape-architectural competition for the forecourt of the House of Arts and the park Koliště I

21. 3. 2023 18:00 – 21:00

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday 21 March from 6 pm at House of the Lords of Kunštát.

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Prezentace oceněných ateliérů a přednáška Jany Kořínkové

30. 3. 2023 18:00 – 20:00

House of the Lords of Kunštát

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Dominikánská 9




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