Christian Doeller (G)
15. 4. 2019 – 15. 5. 2019

Christian Doeller (*1987) is a German artist experimenting at the interface of science, technology and philosophy. His work focuses on human self-perception with regard to scientific research and technological developments, questioning social implications of digitally modified surroundings. Through building interactive installations and machines, Doeller visualizes ubiquitous processes that usually reside outside the realms of human apperception and investigates the evolutionary nature of “errors” in digital systems and technology. In other projects, he develops narrative environments, performances and public events, playfully confronting our empiric capabilities with abstract scientific concepts and their corresponding methodologies. Doeller’s recent projects deal with elementary parameters of photography in combination with digital media. He builds different kinds of “exposure machines” that examine and reveal usually hidden mechanisms of ubiquitous technologies. For example, his work Luminograf #1 mainly consists of a hacked and modified CD player. The former read-out device now operates as a machine that inscribes abstract information on photosensitive material. The follow-up project Luminograf X is an interactive light installation, measuring and reflecting physical changes in a particular space. Movements of people result in temporarily glowing light traces on a phosphorescent canvas. During his residency at Vasulka Kitchen Brno he will continue to work with similar principles, investigating the relationship between human action and its abstract representation through the mirror of digital technologies. Doeller studied Photography and Media at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (Bachelor of Arts) and Media Arts at Bauhaus-University in Weimar (Master of Fine Arts). He completed one semester in Photography and Sculpture at Chung- Ang University in Seoul (South Korea) and two semesters in Physics at Technical University in Darmstadt. He lives and works in Weimar.